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jangbom premium

[갓 경매받아 바로 발송합니다] 특품! 알배기 참가자미 대사이즈!! SG Delivery starts 1/11(Sat) in SG

[갓 경매받아 바로 발송합니다] 특품! 알배기 참가자미 대사이즈!! SG Delivery starts 1/11(Sat) in SG

Regular price $58.00 SGD
Regular price $69.00 SGD Sale price $58.00 SGD
Sale Sold out
Taxes included.

싱가포르에서도 한국의 신선한 가자미를 만나보세요!

울산과 포항에서 잡아 바로 급냉한 국내산 제철 알배기 가자미를 직접 싱가포르로 가져갑니다. 산란기 직전 가장 맛이 좋은 시기에 잡은 가자미는 품질이 확실히 다릅니다. 가자미는 잡자마자 가장 신선한 상태로 항구에 들여와 HACCP 인증받은 위생시설에서 꼼꼼하게 손질한 후, 냉풍 처리를 통해 더욱 탄탄하고 맛있게 만들어집니다.

이 가자미는 단백질, 칼슘, 비타민 D가 풍부해 비린내가 적고 담백하여 성장기 어린이들에게도 안성맞춤입니다. 또한, 양념장을 솔솔 뿌려 구워내면 어른들 입맛에도 딱 맞는 훌륭한 요리가 됩니다. 이미 많은 고객님들이 만족하며 찾아주고 있으며, 손질이 다 되어 있어 간단히 물에 헹군 후 에어프라이어에 돌리기만 하면 바삭한 껍질과 함께 고소하고 담백한 가자미를 즐길 수 있습니다.

냉동고에 가자미를 채워두면 든든한 기분을 느끼실 수 있습니다. 국내산 손질 가자미, 많이 사랑해 주세요. 장봄에서 진행하는 "프리오더 신선제품 시리즈"는 매주 화, 수, 목요일에 새로운 구매 창을 열어 주문을 받고, 해당주인 금요일에 새벽에 항공으로 받아, 토요일 아침부터 싱가폴 배달작업하여 일괄 배송해 드리는 초신선 프로젝트 입니다 ! 장봄에서 진행되는 신선제품 시리즈는 매번 같은 상품이 아니고 주로 제철상품 시즌성 상품이오니, 있을 때 꼭 놓치지 마세요! 😉😀

✅ 1KG : 260g ~ 450g 1PACK Each ( 1미씩 진공포장 ) 

✅ 알배기 국내산 손질가자미 (특대사이즈)


Experience the freshness of Korean seasonal flounder, now available in Singapore!

We bring you premium Korean flounder, freshly caught from the waters of Ulsan and Pohang, known as the best flounder regions in Korea. These flounders are caught just before their spawning season when they are at their most delicious. After being swiftly transported to the port, they are carefully processed in HACCP-certified facilities, ensuring that only the freshest, cleanest fish make it to your table. Our special air-chilling process not only locks in the freshness but also enhances the texture, making the fish firmer and more flavorful.

This flounder is rich in protein, calcium, and vitamin D, with a mild taste and low odor, making it perfect for children and adults alike. It’s especially great for growing kids, and when topped with a bit of seasoning, it becomes a dish that everyone will love. Many of our customers have already experienced the convenience and taste of our pre-processed flounder. Simply rinse, pop it in the air fryer, and enjoy a crispy, delicious meal with no hassle.

Stocking up your freezer with our flounder will give you peace of mind, knowing you have a healthy and tasty meal ready at any time. Our "Jangbom Deco Pre-Order Fresh Product Series" is available every week. From Thursday to Saturday, you can place your order, and you’ll receive your products the following Thursday or Friday. Please note, the selection changes weekly, so don’t miss out when your favorite items are available! 😉😀

✅ 260g ~ 400g per pack (each pack contains 1)
✅ Cleaned Korean domestic flounder 



Q: Can you pick out and send only the roe-filled fish?
A: Unfortunately, that’s not possible. The flounders we offer are caught just before their spawning season, when they’re at their prime, so they typically have plenty of roe. However, I’ve noticed that it's quite rare to receive one without roe, but please understand that there may be occasional exceptions.

For your convenience, we carefully clean, air-dry, and pack the fish before freezing them. Due to this process, it’s difficult to selectively send only roe-filled fish. We appreciate your understanding! 🙊

Q: When and how will my order be delivered?
A: Our Jangbom team works tirelessly between Korea and Singapore to bring you fresh and trendy products. Our delivery team also starts early each day to ensure fast and accurate deliveries. Mostly fresh pre-order items are shipped quickly by air. We receive these products every Wednesday and Thursday, and as soon as they arrive in Singapore, we deliver them directly to your door. For pre-order items, delivery times can vary depending on the product, but it usually takes about 5-7 days.

For other Jangbom deliveries within Singapore, most orders arrive within one day, so we encourage you to take advantage of this service!

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